Exploring the Congrid experience: Tomi Haverinen and Juho Anttila

Written by Nina Pihkala | 24-Oct-2023 07:12:40


Let's dive into the Congrid journeys of Tomi Haverinen and Juho Anttila, two dynamic members of our team. They both started in the 2023 spring and are working on Sales and Accounts – such a vital part of our business. So let's find out, how do they feel about the recruitment process, onboarding and collaboration with the Team.


First off, tell us a bit about yourselves?

Tomi: Hi, I'm Tomi, the Sales/Account Manager here at Congrid. I currently call the Porvoo archipelago home. Before this, I've clocked in some substantial work experience abroad and in the Middle East, particularly in solution-oriented Software/SaaS sales for the past decade. I've also dabbled in XR technology sales. Outside of work, I'm a dad to three teen boys, keeping busy with their hobbies.

Juho: Hey, I'm Juho, handling sales at Congrid for a 6 months now. Outside of work, you'll catch me either at a lakeside cottage or on the sidelines cheering for my kids on the football field.


How did you end up working at Congrid?

Tomi: I've always kept an eye on SaaS services, and when I saw Congrid had a position open in the spring on LinkedIn I thought, why not?

Juho: SaaS is my turf, and the chance to explore the construction industry intrigued me. Congrid had the right gig at the right time.


What can you share about the recruitment process and onboarding?

Tomi: Smooth sailing and professional. It was reassuring to see that onboarding processes were well-thought-out and implemented.

Juho: Agreed. The process was clear, and I got a great sense of the role and the company. The onboarding was intense but packed with valuable info.


And how's the integration into the team and collaboration?

Tomi: Amazing. The work culture is super positive, and hierarchies are kept to a minimum. Communication is easy.

Juho: Teamwork is top-notch. Communication is clear, and it feels like I've been working with old pals for longer than few months.


Do you feel you have control over your schedule and work?

Tomi: Absolutely. The job allows for self-planned days, and the option for remote work is really important.

Juho: True. While customer interactions shape parts of my schedule, I have the freedom to build my workweek.


Can you give us a glimpse into your typical workday?

Tomi: It's the usual sales stuff—identifying new clients, planning upselling for existing ones, meetings, calls, emails. Crucially, we listen to customers, conveying their needs to the development team.

Juho: My days revolve around ensuring our clients have the best tools. This involves daily customer interactions through various channels and contributing to Congrid's direction in team efforts.


What about future growth opportunities at Congrid and in SmartCraft?

Tomi: I've just started in May, so it's a journey, but I aim to bring my experience into play early on.

Juho: Congrid and SmartCraft seems to offer possibilities for those who want to grow. If you have the will and budding expertise, doors are open.


Lastly, what's the best part of working at Congrid for you?

Tomi: The positive atmosphere, being part of SmartCraft, and having a say in a developing and necessary software.

Juho: It's the recognition that people are the heart of the company, making the atmosphere positive. The support from colleagues is fantastic.


Thanks for sharing your insights, Tomi and Juho! Any final thoughts?

Juho: Writing this in the autumn sun, surrounded by golden birch leaves, here's to a better autumn for the construction industry in Finland!

Tomi: Cheers to that! It's great being part of a team that's not just a workplace but a collaborative journey.